Tuesday, September 24, 2024

ever more Styxes

Kamala Harris and her border bullshit:

Jack Smith is still after Trump:

Some of us are still rooting for Kari:

"Copying Trump's homework":

Out-of-control Venezuelan illegals (who don't exist, apparently!):

Old news: Kamala and her CNN interview (with Walz by her side):

In Germany, AfD's big wins from a couple weeks ago:

Kamala's "reparations grift":

Dick Cheney, the kiss of death (along with the rest of his family):

What Trump needs to do to win (what Styx says about the debate is prescient):

Brian Stelter = CNN's act of desperation:

Modify the 25th Amendment (to wit, if the VP covers up presidential incapacity, then remove the VP as well)?

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