Monday, September 30, 2024


You've doubtless seen all sorts of news about the damage done by Tropical Storm Helene ("heh-LEEN," not the French Hélène/"ey-LENN"), which has ravaged  parts of the US Gulf Coast and east coast. Inland areas, like western North Carolina, have been broadcasting horrific footage of the extensive damage: whole towns have been wiped out. I'm frankly amazed that more people haven't been reported dead. Last I heard, the tally was in the high 60s, but I imagine not all of the bodies have been counted yet.

The climate wackos are, of course, baying about how we all should have listened, but tell that to the supposed Gaia-heads who nevertheless bought their waterfront properties. These rich folks (like the Obamas) don't really believe in climate-induced damage, either; follow the money and follow their actions, not the squirrelly words coming out of their mouths.

Hurricane activity is also way lower, this year, than has been predicted. Small comfort to the people who lost homes and lives, but important info for keeping perspective. Fact is, no matter where you move to, there's always some sort of natural disaster waiting to happen. Why? Because the earth is not a benevolent Gaia; it doesn't give a shit about notions of "living in harmony with nature." The earth sometimes tries to kill you, and that's the most ancient reality. Ignore it at your peril, whether you've chosen to live with hurricanes or earthquakes or sinkholes or mudslides or forest fires. Nature doesn't give two shits about you. You are not the beloved children of Gaia. All life is is a bunch of animated, squirmy stuff, Carl Sagan's "thin film" of existence that can do little more than squeal impotently when disaster strikes. Worry less about big-picture principles and more about helping your fellow humans and pets.

1 comment:

  1. As the earth becomes more populated, Krakatoa events and Dec. 26, 2004 tsunami events will surely cause greater losses of life. As will normal occurring weather related disasters. I can only imagine a world dependent on solar power after the likes of a Krakatoa eruption. It won't be good



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