Saturday, September 28, 2024

we love making the zombie torsos explode

Each ballistic-gel zombie costs thousands of dollars, so you need to have a lot of money to be able to run through several of them for a mere demo video. But Scott is a popular gun-Tuber (almost 5 million subscribers), so I don't doubt he's rolling in dough. These dummies are used in ballistics demonstrations because their ballistic-gel "flesh" is a rough analogue of human flesh, i.e., whatever you see happening to the flesh and bones of a dummy is approximately what would happen to a real human being. These dummies are loaded with bone and organ analogues, as well as a tastefully green "blood" so you can see internal bleeding. (YouTube will take down your video if you show red blood, which is why, on that squirrel-hunting channel I watch, the guy turns the video black and white when there's a particularly gory hit.)

Sit back and enjoy as Scott once again tests out his 950 JDJ FAT MAC (one of only three in the world) with 2600-grain lead hollowpoints. Those zombies are gonna be vapor. If these zombies were real people, they'd be dead before they had the chance to realize they were dead. If I had to choose the method of my execution, this would be it.

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