Wednesday, September 25, 2024

miscellaneous roundup

How Hungary handles the "immigration crisis":

Eva Vlaardingerbrok on the inability to disagree with the UK government:

Startlingly good cutting swords:

Matt Walsh on the Harris-Walz CNN interview:

US military power in the Pacific:

The truth about global carbon emissions:

Kamala's flip-flop on the border wall:

A Dem activist explains her red-pilling:

Long one! Jonathan Haidt (a favorite of mine) talks about civilizational collapse:

Freitas on why more Arab countries don't accept Palestinian refugees:

Non-citizen voting: "You wouldn't let your neighbor weigh in on your family budget":

ABC's debate bias backfires:

Amala discusses the debate:

Trump's concluding statement in the debate (must listen):

A mom does the most awesome thing for her daughter. (YouTube viewing only.)

Millet/pumpkin porridge (kasha) in Soviet Russia (Charles mentioned this one; it was already on my queue for several days):

Is there a such thing as a "gay voice"? (You know the one!)

My brother Sean is what is called a "straight-acting gay." He has no gay voice, so you can't use his voice as a clue to determine his sexuality, and he doesn't offer many clues for people with "gaydar" to pick up on. His hubby Jeff also lacks a "gay voice." The YouTube algorithm had been quietly throwing this video in my face for a few days before curiosity got the better of me, and I watched it. Very educational for those of us outside the subculture. I've thought about sending a link to the video to Sean, but he's already got a lot on his mind.

Why price controls don't work (a short one, maybe too short):

Known wolf (of course!):

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