Monday, September 23, 2024

reviews for "Am I Racist?"

Described as the conservative version of "Borat," Matt Walsh's "Am I Racist?" is a comedy-mockumentary that sees the conservative Walsh go "undercover" to suss out the dark underbelly of the woke/DEI movement (diversity, equity, inclusion). Initial reviews, including from the not-exactly-conservative Jeremy Jahns, have been mostly positive.

Despite my having subscribed to the Daily Wire for its films months ago, I have yet to watch a single Daily Wire production, be it a documentary or a movie. I'll get around to them eventually, but as you might imagine, I almost always get that sinking feeling that conservatives aren't very good at things like straight-up movies and comedy. "Lady Ballers" got mixed to bad reviews; I still haven't seen Walsh's other film, "What is a Woman?" (I did start reading the book version, but thus far, I haven't gotten more than a few chapters into it.) But the reviews for Walsh's newest effort have been surprisingly positive, with Tim Pool (see above) proclaiming himself both inspired and envious. His description of the film as "perfect" may be over the top, but Pool is often a curmudgeon, so if he's this effusive, there must be something good about "Am I Racist?" I heard this movie was out in theaters and doing well despite utter silence from mainstream leftie critics, who have no desire to help such a film to do well. This is why several rightie critics were pleasantly surprised to see that Jeremy Jahns, no one's idea of a rightie, had the balls to do a positive review. Anyway, I'll see this film when I can and will watch it with interest. I heard that Walsh's approach in the film isn't so much to preach at or confront his ideological opponents as to let them hang themselves with their own words. As a result, several of the people featured in the film have closed down their social-media accounts, being unable to withstand the heat that comes of having their sick thoughts exposed. As they say: Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

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