Tuesday, September 24, 2024

ever regretted a decision made in haste?

I've been dithering and debating whether to put this post up...

I got out of the cab in the early afternoon to walk across the street to my office. The sun was bright, but the weather was more pleasant than hot. The bite of summer is gone, it seems. At least for today. I breathed in the air, looked up at the blue sky, and while I waited for the crossing signal, I felt energy and optimism coursing through me. Tonight is a walking night, and if this happy feeling persists, and if I'm able to walk far and relatively fast, well... I just might want a mulligan. I'm not saying I'm definitely reversing what I'd said earlier, just that I want the chance to do so if it turns out that the past weekend's walk was only a case of post-hospital convalescent blahs.

My friends also know I can be a stubborn prick when I want to be. Have I ever told you how much meaning I get from distance walks?


  1. There is nothing wrong with being stubborn, provided it doesn't devolve into stupid. I see nothing wrong with keeping your options for the hike open. Just listen to your body and don't push yourself beyond your current capabilities. You've had a bad day and now a good day. Soon, you'll have established your new normal, and that will allow you to determine the wisdom of pursuing this year's walk. You've got a future to attend to, so choose wisely. I'd love to see you do the hike you've planned (or even a modified version), and you will know soon enough if that is feasible. If not, there is always next year.

    1. Thanks.

      Next year, I'll be heading to America, so if I quit/cancel this year, the redo will be in 2026.

  2. You are indeed stubborn. I'm not terribly surprised to see this post; we'll have to see how it goes, right?

    1. Yes. I think I need to give myself more time and exercise.

  3. Left a comment last night that for some reason isn't showing...so here we go again. Why don't you take a week or two's more rest and do a shorter path? 100km up to Chuncheon or you could tailor the Geumgang path to make it as long or as short as you like....

    1. I'm not seeing the comment in my spam folder, so I don't know where it went. Sorry on behalf of stupid Blogger.

      The Nakdong River path is already way shorter than my usual over-600K paths (it's barely 400K), and I have six days' worth of rest days sprinkled throughout the walk calendar, so a two-week walk is going to take me three weeks thanks to all the pleasant interruptions. It's almost providential, how I'd planned this, as if I knew a heart attack were coming.

      But we'll see. There's still a chance I'll hit a wall during my practice walks and have to cancel. No guarantees.



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