Monday, September 23, 2024


Outdated meme! Scratch Biden, scribble in Kamala.

Mental health and worse parenting.

"Wont" is an actual word. Don't misspell.

AI hands

It's "suppresses." People are morons.

So he turns to the easier path labeled "Anyway."

Where does the hyphen go and why?

Plot twist: it's not his hand... and that's not her boob.

This is old news. Nice try, though. I'll still watch your gun vids. Let's go, Brandon.

Did you spot the comma inconsistency?

It gets destroyed regularly in the movies.

1 comment:

  1. The "Our Immigration Policy" meme is spot on. Expats wanting a tourist visa to bring their Filipina girlfriend to the USA for a vacation have a bunch of hoops to jump through, and a high percentage of them wind up being denied. I always just say, "Why not just fly to Mexico first?"



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