Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Today was an informal, impromptu luncheon with fusilli for the boss and keto gnocchi for yours truly. My Korean coworker begged off, having brought his own lunch. This luncheon had been promoted by my relating the awesomeness of the salsiccia to the boss. So I prepped everything and brought it in to the office, but I'd forgotten the garlic powder for my Alfredo sauce. This meant I had to go down to the basement grocery of the Mido building, where they sold only fresh garlic or fresh-ground garlic. I bought the latter since they had tiny containers of it, but I ended up putting too much garlic into my sauce. (The boss's red sauce, meanwhile, was a tomato-basil concoction in a bottle, so he was fine.) I also forgot to add the pesto to my sauce, which would probably have improved the flavor immensely. Ah, well. 

Here are some images from the luncheon:

pasta at home

When I'd cooked the pasta last night, I couldn't consume any to see how al dente it was, so I relied on timing. It was probably a little too soft for Italians, but it was fine for Amurricans.

garlicky Alfredo sauce

reheated keto gnocchi

sadly unused pesto (still kicking myself)

pasta at the office

chopped, fresh Italian parsley

the basil red sauce

the boss's meal being prepped, with sausage

a sprinkling of Parmigiano and parsley

pan-fried gnocchi for me

All done... color-adjusted, so the dark bits look burned, but they aren't.

overhead shot (again: not burned)

All in all, not horrible, but not the awesome taste sensation from years back. I'll keep on trying, though. We learn through failure. The boss said his dish was good and filling.

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