Monday, September 23, 2024

lunch for this week

Sunday night, my boeuf bourguignon burbled quietly. I used smoked duck instead of the usual pork lardons (bacon, kinda). A sample tasted great. And my studio smelled amazing.

Below: my keto gnocchi, made with almond flour (plus eggs, yogurt, milk/cream, salt, and nutmeg), placed into a pastry tube, and piped into boiling water. As with real gnocchi, the batter hits the bottom of the pot, and when it floats back to the surface, its technically ready to be scooped out and tossed into a frying pan or, in my case, a 볶음팬/bokkeum-paen prepped with olive oil and butter, then brought up to sizzling, resulting in the suntan you see below:

Here's a pic of the ensemble at lunch. In an attempt to stay more keto, I limited the amount of thickener I'd used (cornstarch). I'm going to have to add a bit more tomorrow; the texture of the boeuf, right now, is too soupy. It needs to be more gravy-like.

Otherwise, though, the taste was fantastic. For the most part, I use the simple recipe in the Simplissime book I'd bought in France in 2018, but with some tweaks—not to improve the recipe, but to make it more my own in terms of taste. I don't know what my French family would say about what I've done to the original (add some onions and powdered garlic, use chicken bouillon instead of plain water along with the wine, substitute local mushrooms); they have their own way of doing boeuf bourguignon, anyway.

So I'll thicken the boeuf tomorrow, but tomorrow's a fasting day: I won't eat again until Wednesday. A few extra grams of carbs won't kill me... will it?

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