Tuesday, March 04, 2008

more fud pics from Feb. 28

Here, you get a closer look at the mac-and-cheesing process. I use the term "mac-and-cheese" very, very loosely here because I ended up using penne instead of elbow macaroni. My reason for doing so was that I was using pyogo (shiitake mushrooms) and not Wolfgang Puck's black truffles (remember that this was supposed to be a variant of Puck's Oscar ceremony mac-and-cheese recipe). Pyogo, when sliced into long pieces, strikes me as going better with penne than with macaroni.

The final picture is of one of the salads I had made. This one was the type my students had eaten, but in this particular case, I'm the one who ended up eating it. To my surprise, it wasn't all that filling, despite my having eaten the entire thing in one sitting.

Gluttony is a sin.


1 comment:

Malcolm Pollack said...

Damn, Kevin! I can hear your arteries slamming shut from here.

Sure looks good, though. My kind of vittles.