Tuesday, November 02, 2021

white supremacy holding you back?

It really is a sort of mass hypnosis or mass hysteria, this idea that America is an evil, racist country that holds its minorities back in a desperate bid to preserve a white power structure. John Pepple, in a recent post, writes about one aspect of this mind-disease. He observes:

Just as there is no royal road to geometry, there is no woke road, either. You have to put in the work, and if you are smart enough, you will understand geometry (or whatever it is you are studying), but if you don’t put in the work, you won’t have any knowledge of geometry. Unfortunately, our elites think differently. They think math is racist[,] and so adding a bunch of diversity officers will help things. But it didn’t. See here. Adding diversity officers didn’t do anything and in fact made the gap between the results of black and white students even worse. Why? It’s because a diversity officer will of course tell blacks that they are up against racism, which they need to fight, rather than telling them they have to study hard, which is probably something they don't want to hear.

Read the rest on your own.

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