Friday, July 01, 2022

did the US Supreme Court suddenly grow a spine?

Victory after victory for conservatives, thanks to a series of Supreme Court decisions regarding gun rights, abortion, and public prayer while on public-school property. Where was this Supreme Court when people were questioning the 2020 election results? How and why did the rightie judges on the court (we can't include the squish John Roberts) suddenly gain the testicular fortitude to make decisions that would cause half the country to fly into (yet another) childish rage? And should Trump win his way back into the White House in 2024, will the Court suddenly revert to its leftie-lapdog status? Only The Shadow knows.

I'm not the biggest fan of Sarah Hoyt, but she's worth quoting here (edited):

So it’s come to this. The Supreme Court, in 3 landmark rulings, has started to lay an ax to the foundation of rule by experts.

Is the work done? Oh, deary me, no. But it is started.

Will it cause chaos? Oh. Yes. Yes, indeed. And attempts to do it slowly to minimize chaos will probably not hold. Because what they are striking down is the foundations of the current establishment.

Every single institution, every single person has been corrupted by this idea that government should be by experts, and top down, center out. It’s all over the world, yes. But it has never had any business here. Yet contagion works, and we’re part of this mess, which the last two years—and the maladministration of the Biden Junta—have exposed as not only stupid and erratic, but realistically dangerous and potentially civilization-ending.

I think that’s the reason for these rulings. It’s not that the Court is any less go along to get along than when they refused to hear the cases centering on the election. It isn’t that most of them (Thomas and Alito excepted) aren’t at their heart bureaucrats who suckled at the tit of the Marxism-enabling maleducation of the last century.

It is that they can see what’s heading for us, what the idiots they enabled into power are doing. And they’re scared. As they should be. And so they are trying, late and terrified-like, to undo enough to allow us to survive.

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