Monday, September 02, 2024

body assessment: numbers (9/1, 9/2) and other things

9/1 (morning after the birthday party)
blood sugar: 167 (thanks, chocolate cake!)
blood pressure: 115/71 (slight movement upward from my birthday)
weight: 109 kg (surprised it wasn't more)
pulse-ox: 97% (same)
pulse: 77 (a bit high)
estimated A1c since 7/29: 6.11 (still moving in the wrong direction!)

9/2 (this morning)
blood sugar: 116 (after fasting; down from 137 yesterday)
blood pressure: 117/69 (systolic up; diastolic down slightly)
weight: 108.5 kg (fasted Sunday)
pulse-ox: 96%
pulse: 73
estimated A1c since 7/29: 6.10 (unmoving, but still in the wrong direction!)

Bruises all over my body are fading. The big, black ones on my inner thighs; the weird one on my right wrist, etc. Scrapes and cuts are healing: the scrape on my left knuckles has almost no scab left; the weird scab on my left inner thigh (and the accompanying bruise) is still fading. Why these are there, I have no idea. I do have this weird pain emanating from a patch of skin on my right outer thigh that still bothers me—only when I'm in bed, though. It's much easier to lever myself out of bed with only minimal chest pain, but I'm better doing this while leaning right than while leaning left. The huge, weird scab on my left shin is still there, but the bruise underneath it seems to be fading away, so that's nice. The right big toe (old wound) merely oozes a tiny bit; it no longer bleeds.

I do feel dizzy in the morning and/or when outside in the heat, but the last few days have seemed a bit cooler, alleviating the problem. I didn't walk any "big" distances today, but tomorrow—a fasting day—I'll see about topping 5K. These are nighttime walks, of course. As September continues to cool down, walking will shift to the daytime. A basic guideline, for me, is to be able to do 10K without stopping. If I can't do that by mid-October, which is when this new walk is supposed to start, I'm likely going to cancel. I also need to be able to get up some of those mean hills along the Nakdong River, which means I need to be able to walk up from B1 to the 26th floor, stopping at most only once (I'll definitely be stopping when doing the real hills). Expect more progress reports as time rolls on.

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