Wednesday, September 04, 2024

dating-app humor

I've never used a dating app, but years and years ago, I did fart around on a dating site and had some exchanges with chicks... exchanges that went nowhere. One chick was cute and nice, but she had kids. Another chick was eager to tell me about her clit piercing... but she had a German boyfriend and was obviously a vampire for male attention—a ho. The dialogue in the following video is funny, but I can't relate to it at all. American society has evolved right out from under me. I'm a dinosaur.


  1. That was funny. I've met some women on sites like Date In Asia and Filipina Cupid. I don't think any of them lasted more than a single meeting. The worst I recall was a woman I took to dinner. She wouldn't talk, not even to tell me what she wanted to order off the menu. The hilarious thing was that when we left the restaurant, she was surprised when I told her goodnight and goodbye. Online chatting and reality are worlds apart.

  2. How did she tell you anything if she didn't talk? Via writing later? (You mentioned online chatting. I can see that happening before, but why would she bother chatting afterward?) And was the whole thing some sort of weird test? If so, did you pass or fail?

  3. That night was our first date, and she was nothing like the gal I'd been chatting with up until then. We are still friends on Facebook, and she told me later (online) that she was just feeling shy that night. Yeah, right. I think she regrets things didn't work out and hinted that she wanted a second chance (not recently), but I feel like I dodged a bullet with this drama queen.

  4. "Just feeling shy," or socially retarded? Hmmm.

  5. Maybe I wasn't as handsome in person as she was expecting...



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