Monday, September 16, 2024

flubbing the softball questions

Kamala ventures out on her own and fields questions for ten minutes. It goes worse for her than the debate did. For more information, see the article here.

You can't fix stupid. From the above-linked article:

Look, it's obvious she prepared a lot for the debate, and I'm not going to pretend otherwise. Her answers were generic tripe, but at least she delivered them well. This interview is a return to who Harris normally is, though. She's a lazy, entitled politician, and no one should listen to these exchanges and believe she has what it takes to be the President of the United States. 

This is why her team doesn't let her do interviews. It's one thing to join in on a three-on-one bout at a debate, in which the moderators were walking her through everything and constantly interrupting her opponent. When she's got no one to deflect to, she can't answer basic questions, and her campaign is nothing but "vibes." Frankly, America is in bad enough shape that "vibes" aren't going to cut it.

And half the country is too stupid to get this basic point.

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