Saturday, September 14, 2024

Happy 48, Big Boy!

My brother David is having a birthday today, September 14. I'm proud to say that I'm the one who named him. David was born in 1976, a bicentennial baby. He'll be 50 the year the country turns 250, assuming everything survives that long. (I'm sure it will, but increasingly in tatters.) As usual, he asks for no gifts. I think I gave him a walk tee as he was leaving, but I'm not positive. My memory, which was generally fine after the stroke three years ago, seems to be going wonky after the recent heart attack. A lot of the recent past feels like a blur, which is why I'm glad I blog. Someday soon, I'll be in a fog of senility/dementia, and the blog's words and images will be my solace.

But today is David's day, not a day for my self-pity. I hope he has himself a big ol' slice of cake, his favorite meal, a lick from his dog Penny, and a wonderful day.


  1. Ah, baby brother. I couldn't remember.

  2. Yeah, my two younger brothers are David and Sean, 7 and 10 years younger, respectively.



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