Friday, September 06, 2024


Come on... you have to admire the success of ugly guys.

I'm pro-nuclear, but I trust that folks will find a way to coax money out of you if you use it.

Why I'm hesitant to move to Texas (aside from the general flatness).

Spot the error(s).

"It's about time I add in a nice, happy little Bob."

She really is a fashion disaster.

"Excellent, Blinken."

World's worst "spill the beans" pun.

When you can't get the ellipses right...

I've been unfriended by a few people myself. For some, politics is more important than friendship.


  1. A comma after cat, and a period after egg.

    "World's worst "spill the beans" pun."
    That makes it the funniest, right?

  2. A comma after cat, and a period after egg.

    And another comma after "now." The "and now" is technically an introductory phrase for the following clause.



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