Wednesday, September 11, 2024

I've got it on my Netflix queue

The Critical Drinker recommends the Korean series "Kindgom"—a TV historical horror-drama with zombies. It's on my Netflix queue, but I'm worried it'll succumb to the usual problems I find with Korean dramas, namely: the screaming and crying (overacting), the way-too-melodramatic music, and the hackneyed plot formulas. I am, however, a sucker for Korean historical dramas, which strike me as something like old, videotaped Western stage productions of Shakespeare. Charming, in other words.


  1. I'll be interested to hear what you think of it. I won't give any spoilers; I'll just say that I watched the first season, but something that happened in the final episode made me decide not to watch the second season. We can talk more about it once you've watched the first season all the way through.

  2. I've got a lot in my queue, but I'll probably see it before the end of the year.



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