Sunday, September 08, 2024

just how bad is it in New Yawk?

Headline, 9/2:

NYPD reveals just how bad migrant crime has gotten in Manhattan and Queens

The NYPD has just revealed to the New York Post just how bad migrant crime has gotten in the Big Apple[,] and it’s unreal.

According to the NYPD, out of all arrests for crimes like assault, robbery[,] and domestic violence, 75% of them are from illegal immigrants.

That number is above 60% in Queens.

And the biggest contributing factor, aside from the massive influx of illegals into the city, is the fact that New York is a sanctuary city.

And the punchline:

Adams may not be able to change the law[,] but he could do a lot more to pressure the city council to change the law. And he absolutely should because public safety should be paramount. But as long as the people of New York put up with it, they’ll get more of it.

FAFO. Read the rest.

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