Friday, September 06, 2024

left to do (+ numbers)

I'm feeling rather unmotivated this morning. In theory, I'm supposed to be finalizing meal prep for me and Mike. I've got gyro meat to cut up and pan-fry for tomorrow; there are tomatoes to slice; there's feta to crumble, and I have two kinds of flatbread to make (keto and regular). But right at the moment, I'm not feeling any of it. I may just work on everything tonight and tomorrow morning. Plenty of time for indolence followed by belated industry.

Some numbers from this morning:

blood sugar: 139 (not great for having fasted, but see below)
blood pressure: 115/71 (just like 9/1)
weight: 110 kg (slight gain)
pulse-ox: 96% (same)
pulse: 67 (better!)
estimated A1c since 7/29: 6.12 (still moving in the wrong direction!)

Gotta fast harder. That's what today is all about. I broke the fast late last night with a tiny bit of snacking... that's always a bad thing.

Somatic improvements: bruises continue to fade; some scabs are falling off. I no longer fear coughing because the chest pain, while still there, has died down quite a bit. I still have trouble walking up more than two flights of stairs. Can't wait for cooler daytime temps so I can get back to daytime walking. Still haven't tried a 10K walk. That won't be for a while.

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