Friday, September 06, 2024

remarks on agar agar

I'm still getting familiar with agar agar, the seaweed-based vegan analogue for gelatin (which is an animal product made of rendered collagen). I have to say... it's impressive in terms of how little you need to turn a bunch of liquid into a near-solid. The texture, when congealed, can be a bit grainy (although I'm sure there are "hacks" to get rid of the graininess), but it really is something else. I need to stick up some photos of the keto strawberry jams I've made. One jam is very keto: it's little more than water, strawberry extract, artificial sweetener (Bocha Sweet), and agar. The other, made yesterday from frozen strawberries, Bocha Sweet (I may have used too much: the result is very sweet), and maybe a stingy half-teaspoon of agar, seized up nicely when I stuck it in the fridge. The idea was to combine these two gelatins together to use as a "syrup" for my keto pancakes (along with butter, of course), but I'm curious to try both separately first before I do any combining. Expect pictures soon. Just think: had I died, you wouldn't be getting this sort of quality entertainment.

1 comment:

  1. Well, at least you understand why we keep you around. We did have a meeting to discuss it a while back and came to a unanimous decision based on the fact that you're cheaper than the trained bear we were looking at. Also, we couldn't figure out how to get the bear to post disgusting photographs of its feet.



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