Wednesday, September 04, 2024

SoCal is departing

Headline, 9/3:

The Ground Is “Moving” So Rapidly in One Part of Southern California That a “State of Emergency” Has Been Declared

If the ground under your feet is moving “up to 10 inches a week,” that might be a sign that it is time to relocate. What is currently taking place in Rancho Palos Verdes is perhaps the most extreme example of the geophysical instability that is plaguing much of the state of California at this point. Rancho Palos Verdes is about 30 miles away from downtown Los Angeles, and the constant “land movement” in that community is busting gas lines, causing homes to sink, and creating enormous cracks in the roads. If you were to walk through Rancho Palos Verdes right now, you would see that it currently looks like something out of a science fiction movie.

The ground has been moving in that area for quite some time, but in recent months the rate of movement has accelerated significantly.

On Monday, authorities announced that another 105 homes would have their power cut off because emergency repairs are required

But Californians are so inured to the movement of the earth that most these days probably can't be persuaded to move. Yeah, good luck with that.

Seoul, take heed. You're in a geographically vulnerable spot, too, should war ever break out. Seoulites need to persuade the government to move down to Busan. Watch what happens to southern California and then decide whether remaining in place is a good idea.

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