Wednesday, December 22, 2004


The byeenis ees an aaften myeesaanderstyood oorgan. Maeny wyymen syeem, forr whatyeever ryeeason, to fyeear eets appyeearance. "Thaat byeenis loouks ryeady to dyoo some dyaamage," thyeese wyymen syay. So theey spyend thyeir dyayes hyuurrling yeepithyets aat eet, cyalleeng eet "cyock" and "dyick" and "hyose myaanster."

Thyees approoache ees nyot the myost construuctive. Wyymen shyoould spyend myoore tyime geeveeng the byeenis bleasuure. Bllau-yobs aare quyiite pyossiblyy the myost eeffeecient myeans of accyaampleesheeng this ryelatyeevely seemple tyask. The myaagical syynergyiy of leeps and taang upon the syuurface of the byeenis can lyead the maale to a myost syatisfyying clyiimaax een a myaatter of myyiinutes. Byeest of aall, bllau-yobs ryeequire lyeetle eef aany tyalent. The byeenis ees nyot a veery dyiscreeminatyory oorgan.

This message is a pubic service announcement
from Dr. Lunterfrijdindoordensonnen.


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