Saturday, June 04, 2005

en vacances!

Et oui. A partir d'aujourd'hui, je suis en vacances pendant un mois. Et vous? Que faites-vous? Vous bossez inutilement dans votre bureau, frustré, épuisé, comme Sisyphe derrière son rocher. Et à quoi ça sert, tout cet effort? Hein? HEIN?

Mais soyez heureux: faute d'argent, je ne peux pas quitter Séoul, donc je resterai ici, et j'essaierai de gagner un peu de fric supplémentaire. Heureusement que la fac me paie en même temps! Ha ha ha!

Bon, j'suis à Séoul, moi, donc impossible de m'ennuyer. Y'a des films à voir, plein de trucs à faire, de belles nanas à zieuter, etc. Pas besoin de me souhaiter bonne chance-- je l'ai déjà!

(-- dit-il, juste avant d'être aplati par une camionnette coréenne)


Here's the Babel Fish English translation of what I wrote above. This had me rolling.

And yes. From today, I am on holiday during a month. And you? What do you make? You work unnecessarily in your office, frustrated, exhausted, like Sisyphus behind his rock. And for what is that used, all this effort? Hein? HEIN?

But be happy: for lack of money, I cannot leave Seoul, therefore I will remain here, and I will try to gain a little additional money. Fortunately how the FAC pays me at the same time! Ha ha ha!

Good, I am in Seoul, me, therefore impossible to annoy me. Y' has films to see, full with tricks to make, beautiful chicks with zieuter, etc. Not need to wish me good luck -- I have it already!

(- - says it, right before being flattened by a Korean van)

I wonder: can I "zieuter" the chicks who are "full with tricks to make"?

(Just FYI: "zieuter" is French slang for "ogle." The "zieu" comes from "tes yeux," or "your eyes." To be honest, I have no idea whether French folks use that word anymore. It enjoyed some popularity in the 80s. Now, my entire slang lexicon is outdated. I really need to read around more.)


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