Saturday, September 01, 2007

ashamed and proud

I'm ashamed to say I share my birth date (31 Aug) with gerbil-loving Buddhist actor Richard Gere, but am proud to say I share it with violinist Itzhak Perlman.

(notable August 31 birfdays are here at IMdB)

My father was born on January 17, 1942; he is exactly the same age as Muhammad Ali, and shares his January 17 birth date with Benjamin Franklin.



Malcolm Pollack said...

Happy Birthday!

According to Wikipedia, other August 31st-ers include the Roman emperor Commodus, Alma Mahler Gropius Werfel, arthur Godfrey, William Shawn, Alan Jay Lerner, Buddy Hackett (good one!), James Coburn, Eldridge Cleaver, and Itzhak Perlman.

Mine's April 13th - apparently I share it with Guy Fawkes, Thomas Jefferson, Madalyn Murray O'Hair, Don Adams, Jack Casady, Christopher Hitchens, Garry Kasparov, and the great Lowell George, among others.

Elisson said...

Ah, Commodus: Emperor of the Toilet.

I am shocked - shocked to see that I somehow overlooked your Birfday. Especially seeing as how it coincides with that of She Who Must Be Obeyed, my very own Missus. Belated Birfday Felicitations unto you!