Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Ave, Charles!

Charles has a nifty post on CAPTCHAs up. I'd never heard the acronym before; most bodacious, it is.

Which reminds me: someone just tried to leave a comment without leaving a name. No anonymous comments, por favor. Even signing a name to the bottom of the comment in the text field is preferable to having no name at all.

But to answer the commenter's question: I haven't changed my settings since implementing monitored comments, so I assume it's Blogger that's changed.



  1. It's funny, but when I post on religious and philosophical issues all I hear is crickets chirping--with the exception of your insightful comments, of course. But then I go and dash off a quick note on a programming subject, and the commenters come flooding out of the woodwork. For some reason, my readership appears to consist largely of code geeks.

    Half of the comments I received on this note were on how my implementation could be defeated, which kind of misses the point, but I do appreciate the interest.

    (And speaking of CAPTCHAs, the word verification for this comment is: "Smlfunpu." Smell Fun Poo, indeed.)



All comments are subject to approval before they are published, so they will not appear immediately. Comments should be civil, relevant, and substantive. Anonymous comments are not allowed and will be unceremoniously deleted. For more on my comments policy, please see this entry on my other blog.

AND A NEW RULE (per this post): comments critical of Trump's lying must include criticism of Biden's lying on a one-for-one basis! Failure to be balanced means your comment will not be published.