Tuesday, April 21, 2020

ROK Drop finally weighs in on the brain-dead KJU


Excerpt from an excerpt:

Speculation is rising on the physical condition of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, following reports of a suspected cardiovascular surgical procedure.

While South Korean online media dealing with North Korea issues reported he was recovering from the recent operation, CNN reported he was “in grave danger.”

Citing a local source in the North, the South Korean media outlet the Daily NK reported Monday that Kim underwent the surgery at Hyangsan Medical Center near Mount Myohyang in North Pyongan Province, an exclusive hospital for the Kim family, April 12, and has been receiving treatment at his vacation home nearby.

According to the Daily NK, the procedure was performed by a surgeon from Kim Man Yu Hospital, the North’s most up-to-date medical facility in Pyongyang, attended by other renowned doctors in the country who were mobilized to Hyangsan. Most of them were sent back to Pyongyang, Sunday, as Kim’s condition was improving and only a few are still there to check on his condition, the source said.

And this is why you should never trust CNN. They will always, always get the story wrong. True: we need to wait for other sources to confirm what's going on, but I don't think it's too much to expect to see pics, very soon, of Kim the Rotund waving to the crowds or giving a bunch of flunkies instructions on how to build a better missile.

ROK Drop remarks, in its usual typo- and gaffe-filled way:

In 2014[,] this same thing happened[,] and it [turned out that] Kim Jong-un had [had] ankle surgery. He could be having the same issue again [because] his obesity [has been affecting] his ankles. I guess we will see what happens.

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