Sunday, April 19, 2020

the moratorium ends

It's been a month, and I've largely managed to avoid blogging specifically about COVID-19 during that time. There's plenty to talk about, plenty to catch up on, and over the next week or so, I'll be bombarding you with a vomitous torrent of articles and videos that I've bookmarked, not to mention my own unscholarly commentary. One thing I've learned—we all learned this over a month ago—is that SARS-CoV-2—which started out as 2019-nCoV—is the name of the virus while COVID-19 is the name of the illness, so it's a bit like the difference between HIV (the virus) and AIDS (the illness).

The torrent begins soon, but let me begin with this bit of musical hilarity, in which Charles Cornell takes on religious faker Kenneth Copeland:

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