Tuesday, May 26, 2020

a #WalkAway perspective on Creepy Joe

This young lady doesn't come off as a Trump supporter, nor does she seem likely to vote Republican, but she's obviously disenchanted with the current Democratic party, and she's definitely not going to be voting for Joe Biden.

I do disagree with her claim that people who refuse to vote "don't give a shit." As I've repeatedly argued on this blog, not voting is a live option for people of conscience who refuse to sit at a restaurant where the only thing on the menu is shit sandwiches. A person should have the right to get up and leave such a restaurant, and that's what a refusal to vote is tantamount to—at least for people of conscience. Are there people who won't vote because they're lazy or mentally befuddled? Of course! But my point isn't to argue statistics or game theory or "wasted votes": all my arguments about voting are rooted exclusively in the idea that voting is an act of conscience, first and foremost.

1 comment:

  1. After watching the video carefully, twice, and giving the issue considerable deliberation, I have concluded that the young lady is . . . beautiful.

    Jeffery Hodges

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