Tuesday, August 11, 2020

a few items via Bill

A meme that Bill Keezer sent our way:

An article via Bill:

Italian Explosives Expert: The Beirut Blast’s Massive Red Cloud is Indicative of Lithium Metal Which is a Propellant in Military Missiles — IT WAS AN EXPLOSIVES STORAGE FACILITY

Let's not be hasty, but here's an excerpt:

More than 100 people were killed and 4,000 injured after a warehouse exploded near the port in Beirut.

And now an Italian explosives expert is speaking out about the massive blast that he says was likely a military missile warehouse.

Italian Danilo Coppe spoke with Heshmat Alavi about the nature of the Beirut blast.

Coppe believes the red plume is a sign of lithium metal used as a propellant in military missiles.

The article contains a series of tweets in which Heshmat Alavi tells the complete story.

Another article via Bill:

"It's a peaceful protest": Trump mocks media for complaining about packed room not meeting COVID guidelines

Leftist troublemaker Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals is, these days, often mentioned in connection with Trump and his tactics against the media. One of Alinsky's rules was/is: "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules." So if "peaceful protests" make you invulnerable to infection, as so many leftist mayors across the country are implicitly or explicitly claiming, then call any crowded event a peaceful protest. Voilà.

If we extend the logic, then righties need to be demonstrating outside Yale University to force the school to change its name: Elihu Yale was apparently a big-time slave trader back in the day, and we can't have students attending a university established by such an odious man. (Not that changing the name of the school would change the history of the school: students at the renamed university would still be attending an institution founded by a slave trader. Maybe we should go full-on Alinsky and do away with Yale altogether. What say?)

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