Monday, August 10, 2020

the pussy brigade finds out what real resistance looks like

Great headline:

Antifa gets WRECKED in Colorado neighborhood: ‘You guys came to the wrong city, boys and girls’


While it’s certainly easy picking on and beating up elderly people, one group of black-clad Antifa and Black Lives Matter extremists just learned the hard way that it ain’t so easy picking on and beating up grown, die-hard American patriots.

During a pro-police rally Saturday in Fort Collins, Colorado, a contingent of left-wing extremists reportedly showed up and stepped into the neighborhood across from the Fort Collins Police Services building where the rally was being held.

In response, the rallygoers apparently rushed into the neighborhood and chased the extremists right out, but not without first treating them to some fist sandwiches.

The video began with the rallygoers slowly pushing the extremists — or “commie scum,” as they called them — out of the neighborhood.

“So, we are currently marching the Antifa commie bas****s out of the neighborhood because nobody wants Antifa in the neighborhood. Nobody wants them here, so we’re marching them out,” the guy recording the video narrated.

Around the 1:15 mark in the video above, a fight broke out, prompting the narrator to hilariously exclaim, “Oh s–t, here we go!”

Read the rest. Plenty of video at the article.

ADDENDUM: one of my coworkers is from Colorado. When I asked him whether he'd heard about this, he said no. I sent him the above link; he immediately started looking around for more mainstream sources (Denver Post, etc.) and found nothing. Quite telling, that. The leftist outlets won't touch a story like this because it makes Antifa et al. look like the pussies they are, yet we know the story happened thanks to video of the incident.

ADDENDUM 2: remember "Moldylocks"? One of the early Antifa failures?

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