Wednesday, August 05, 2020

the suburbs are arming up and not taking any shit

Did I not just talk about frontier justice? This is what it comes to when the police lie down on the job. The citizens have no choice but to take up the slack.

And here's Styx's latest on the armed-suburb phenomenon:

If you keep walking toward an armed man who is clearly warning you to turn around and go back to where you come from, don't be surprised if you end up with one or more holes in your stupid skull. Yes, the 'burbs are arming up. As well they should.

NB: the police will, ironically, arrest these good folks who are defending their homes. The police who do that are, as they say in the current lingo, TWANLOC: those who are no longer our countrymen. And they deserve to be hanged from trees, too, for dereliction of duty and out-and-out treason. Sworn "to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States," my ass. And as for the guy accusing the guardians of pointing a gun in his face: yet another lie. In these tense times, you shouldn't be executed for lying... but I won't cry if someone gets sick of your discomfort with the truth and blows off one of your legs.

ADDENDUM: meanwhile, in another part of the country, awesomeness happens:


ADDENDUM 2: Tim Pool comments on the same topic:

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