Tuesday, August 04, 2020

whetting my appetite for "Dune"

If you have the time (if not, watch at 1.75X speed, as I did), sit down and enjoy this heavily accented interview with Québecois director Denis Villeneuve, who helmed "Arrival" and "Blade Runner 2049" as well as the first "Sicario." The interview offers a peek into a brilliant director's mind, and I have to give props to the lady doing the interview: she obviously speaks French because she helps Villeneuve out at certain points when he says something in French, and she's right there to offer a quick, brisk, spot-on English translation.

As for me, I'm excited to get any news I can about the upcoming "Dune," a movie in two parts. The first part comes out around December 18 of this year; if I'm not mistaken, the second part comes out sometime in 2021.

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