Sunday, August 15, 2021


My scale plays tricks on me (I weigh more if I lean back, and less if I lean forward), but near as I can figure, I'm now down to 102 kg (224.9 lbs.). So tantalizingly close to breaking through the 100-kilo barrier! When was the last time I was double-digit kilos? I'm now 12 kg (roughly 25 lbs.) away from my goal. The end is in sight!

According to MyFitnessPal, my BMR has dropped under 2000 calories: I now need to consume 1986 calories to maintain weight. On the BMI chart, my new BMI is 29.8, which is under 30, which means I'm no longer in the "obese" category, but am now considered "overweight." As I've discussed before, even when I reach my goal weight of 90 kg, the BMI chart will still say I'm overweight, which is reason not to trust the chart fully.

This sets me up for the coming week, and while I'd like to finish the Newcastle Diet under 100 kg, I doubt that's going to happen. But I have all the time in the world to reach my weight goal (90 kg), so the story's not over yet—not by a long shot. I will probably continue to report my weight on a weekly basis, at least until I reach my goal.

ADDENDUM: can I lose 2 kg in four days? Yes, if I simply fast the entire time. But I've done long fasts before, and I never come out feeling very good. So while it's tempting to do what I can to get under 100 kg before the end of the Newcastle Diet, I'm simply going to stay the course and arrive at whatever weight I arrive at. I'm confident, at this point, that I'll hit my goal weight eventually, and without cheating.

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