Thursday, August 19, 2021

water fasting

I'm trying to end the Newcastle Diet as strongly as possible; I've been water fasting since after breakfast yesterday, and this will go on until 8 a.m. tomorrow. It's a bit of an endurance test, and the hours are passing slowly, but this is the final threshold. Tomorrow, I'll eat freely for a day, then start fasting on Saturday (except for a morning shake—keto, not SlimFast). On Sunday and Monday, I'll be starting with keto; since I have a bunch of salad recipes handy, I'll begin with salads, then expand my fats and proteins as I shop for a variety of foods.

I doubt I'll break the 100-kilogram mark tomorrow morning, but I hope I'm at least close. It'd be nice to have only 10 more kilos to go before I reach my goal weight. That final bit of weight loss will occur over the next few months, in all likelihood. As things stand, I'm poised to lose another inch off the waist—there's only one more hole left on my belt—and once my shoulder heals (whenever that will be), I'll start to prioritize the building of muscle, which will help speed up my metabolism, keeping the pounds off.

Not long ago, I had myself an indulgent day of over 2000 calories, and I have to say... I think my stomach has shrunk because I felt stuffed. Being on a strict regime for ten weeks is no joke. This bodes ill for tomorrow: I won't be able to go as wild as I'm hoping, but we'll soon see how fully I can fill my guts. A day of indulgence, then right back to the discipline.

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