Saturday, August 28, 2021

O-Cam Mall, here I come

One thing I need to prep for the upcoming walk is the belt pouches I'll be using instead of a backpack. I'm going to try to pack light for this trip, but I still have to carry bulky items like a poncho for rain, a first-aid kit, a toiletry bag (which will also hold a month's worth of meds), and a bag for holding all my tech-related devices such as my phone, a charger, wires, etc.

To that end, I need to buy some belt pouches, and I just found a camping store that might have some. It's located in Bundang, not far from where I normally conclude my 18K walk, but while I plan to walk to Bundang today, I won't hit the store until tomorrow. It's open on Sundays until 8 p.m. The store is called O-Cam Mall (오캠몰), which sounds like the shortened form of some expression having to do with outdoor camping.* We'll see what I can find tomorrow. Otherwise, it's back to Coupang!


*Koreans are big on a sort of scaled-down polysynthesis, where you take syllables from separate words and mash them together to form new expressions, such as namchin/남친 for namja-chingu, i.e., "boyfriend," or in English, where NaNoWriMo means "National Novel-writing Month"; true polysynthesis combines disparate elements to create sentences or sentence-like structures. There's some overlap between this conception of polysynthesis and portmanteaux, but they're not quite the same thing.

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