Wednesday, June 07, 2023


In all my kitchen arsenal, this has to be the biggest pain in the ass to wash:

looks innocent enough

Remember, not so long ago, I mentioned buying this crank-operated cheese grater (a.k.a. a rotary grater)? I finally tested it on a hunk a mozzarella. I was morbidly curious to see whether it could handle such a soft cheese, and it turned out fine—I needn't have worried. But washing the grater was a bitch because you can't disassemble it, and getting at the grater itself requires you to stick your fingers into the hopper and rotate the grater in a safe direction to wash that part of the grater's exterior surface off. An equal amount of care is needed when washing out the interior, and even after all that caution, you're still going to have annoying bits of cheese hiding in all of the equipment's nooks and crannies. That means even more washing.

yeah... try cleaning that

I'm honestly no longer sure this was a worthwhile purchase. People complain about having to clean out their food processors (a chore I don't really mind myself), but a food processor is pretty straightforward compared to cleaning a rotary grater.


John Mac said...

Maybe try dropping it in a pot of boiling water?

Kevin Kim said...

I don't want to melt the plastic or end up with long, stringy bits of cheese everywhere.

Charles said...

That does seem like a whole lot of faff for very little benefit over, say, a box grater.

Kevin Kim said...

I have a box grater, but I'm so lazy that I wanted a rotary grater to save myself a little effort while grating. The rotary grater is indeed much easier to use while grating, but that cleanup, man—it's something else, and not in a good way.

Charles said...

I can only imagine. Box graters are annoying enough to clean as it is.