Monday, June 05, 2023

keto bread with egg-white protein powder

I tried making another batch of keto soda bread, this time using a third protein alternative: egg-white protein powder (which stinks when you open the plastic bottle). While the bread looked the same as previous batches (hence the lack of photos: you've seen this bread), the texture was a lot more dry this time. I was going to use this latest batch of bread to make an appetizer with garlic-parsley compound butter, plus a coating of mozzarella-plus-Parmesan (yes, good old Parmesan and not Parmigiano), but now, I'm doubting myself. With the new batch of bread being this dry, the arid texture might ruin the appetizer and be, well, unappetizing. I might try, anyway: butter is an emulsion of fat and water and milk solids, so the water in the butter might help to hydrate the bread and make it palatable. Fat also tends to make things taste and feel moist. So I might still give this a go, but no promises.

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