Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Stefan Molyneux on Dr. Christine Ford's unreliable testimony

If you're sympathetic with Dr. Ford, as I know some of you are, take a gander at this:

NB: ignore hyperventilating terms like "bombshell report." We live in an age of deep cynicism where nothing is surprising anymore. A "bombshell" connotes efficacy in destructiveness, but a report like this is effectively destructive only to the extent that it can persuade. If something proves persuasive, the next thing to consider is who is persuaded. If the people persuaded aren't people who can move or shake things in the relevant domain—Joe Citizens like me—then the persuasiveness isn't effective.* Molyneux, in the video, tries to engage leftist Democrats in a Gedankenexperiment in which he encourages his interlocutors to imagine that it's Barack Obama who stands accused of sexual harassment by a Republican woman claiming this had been done thirty-six years ago—a woman who offers no material evidence for her claim aside from a stated conviction that Obama was the harasser. I like the way Molyneux is thinking, but he's wasting his time. Leftists listening to Molyneux will cook up all sorts of fabrications and fantasies as to why his hypothetical is somehow disanalogous; they're not amenable to reason. So, no: there's no "bombshell" aspect to this report because the minds that most need to read and heed the report have been bomb-proofed since long ago.

Credit to King Baeksu for sending the link via email.

ADDENDUM: Dr. V on the senses of the word "believable."

*I can already sense the counterargument that "even Joe Citizen can vote!" True, and I'll concede that, but remember that ol' Joe has only one vote, so unless his vote is the one tipping the scales, it's really not all that effective, mathematically speaking.

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