Wednesday, October 03, 2018

we're definitely moving

Well, I'll still be living in the same place, but our office is definitely moving to our company's spanking-new Bundang branch, 18 km south, as the Tan Creek flows, from where we currently are in Daechi-dong. Our team of three is going to acquire an on-again, off-again fourth member who will help us out whenever we're snowed under with work—sort of like an administrative assistant. Our office will be cozy: there'll be enough room for four work stations plus a fridge (maybe) and a large photocopier. I'm fine with that; it'll feel a bit like being back at the old Mido Building, where I started off.

As for the when: we're moving in late, late October or early November. The new branch is actually under construction, which feels like an eerie repeat of last year, before we moved into our current building. You may recall that I took a tour of our current office before anything had been put in place; I saw our space before there were even walls and a floor. I'm planning to train down to Bundang and see the place for myself; our new big boss warned that there's nothing to see right now; I told her that that's fine: I'll get a sense of the place, anyway.

We're moving down south at almost the wrong time of year for me to do 3.6-hour walks back to my apartment: fall is short in Korea, and winter is long. I'll probably be able to walk home until early December, after which there will likely be ice on the bike trails. I'll also have to see what sorts of company-owned apartments are available in the area; if they're very nice, I'll think about moving once more... but I'm really thinking that staying where I am and walking 22,000 steps to my place every weeknight will be a good way to spend my evenings: it'll prevent me from eating dinner, for one thing—a good notion as long as I can keep from snacking late at night.

I'm to be assigned to working on writing and debate books for kiddies. Since I've cut my teeth on advanced-level books, the new boss has declared that I'll continue in that vein. Work is work, I guess; so long as I'm paid, I'm okay with whatever.

The construction down in Bundang will finish while I'm in France on vacation, and I'll box up my crap when I get back. We're taking everything in our work stations, including our midget-sized partitions that do nothing to hide you when a person is standing close by.

Change is in the air, and winter is coming.

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