Friday, July 05, 2019

guess I'm going on a weekend vacation

I got this A4-paper memo the other day:

If I'm reading this right, there's going to be a planned blackout from July 19 (Friday) to July 20 (Saturday), starting at 11:50 p.m. and going to about 6 a.m. The reason for the blackout is to deal with old electrical equipment. The flyer cautions us to turn off our computers ten minutes before the blackout begins. Another caveat is that, depending on how things go during the inspection/repair, the length of the blackout may vary. Also: only some elevators will be operating during that time.

So I'm thinking that the weekend of Friday, July 19, might be a good time to get on a bus or a train and just head the fuck out somewhere, just to avoid all this hassle. My first thought was to hit some coastal area, but Koreans—who move in hordes—will be out in force now that it's summer. Many beaches will be crowded. I might still go to Yeosu, a south-coast town I like (and one that's not known for beaches), or I might hit some of the places I stayed during my 2017 hike across the country. The Libertar Pension was very nice, although not cheap. I'll reread my walk blog and see what I can come up with. One way or another, though, I do believe I'm going to be away that weekend. I hope the electricians don't burn the apartment building down in my absence.

1 comment:

  1. "I hope the electricians don't burn the apartment building down in my absence."

    I'd deem it better in your absence than when you are in there!

    At least you got plenty of advance notice. Around these parts, we lose power (known as a brownout) usually with no advance notice. And almost always during the day. Fortunately they rarely last more than a couple of hours while maintenance is performed. Still a pain in the ass though...

    Sounds like a good enough reason to get out of town. Enjoy!



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