Friday, April 03, 2020

interesting point about "Galaxy Quest"

Quite a few movie lovers consider "Galaxy Quest," starring Tim Allen, to be the ultimate Star Trek parody. Some even go so far as to classify it (just as people classified "The Orville") as an actual Trek film—in spirit, if not as a literal part of the Trek universe. I liked "Galaxy Quest" when I saw it years and years ago, but it was only while watching a dude on YouTube the other day (Joe Scott, talking about cephalopods) that I heard about a story-related flaw I'd never thought of: if the naive aliens who kidnap the team are incapable of lying, how did they arrive at the idea of masking their true tentacular form from the humans?

1 comment:

Charles said...

I love that film!

But that is a very good question. I was trying to think of a justification, but I can't think of a consistent explanation.