Monday, January 23, 2023



ChatGPT just passed a Wharton MBA exam

Because of course it did.

Professor Christian Terwiesch at University of Pennsylvania's prestigious Wharton School of Business tested ChatGPT this week by running it through the final exam of a typical MBA core course: Operations Management.

And yes, the A.I. technology, which is still in its infancy, "would have received a B to B- grade on the exam," according to the prof, who added that our future tech overlord "does an amazing job at basic operations management and process analysis questions including those that are based on case studies."

Here's his whole research paper if you're interested.

This technology is still brand new, and it's outperforming humans on Wharton MBA exams. Can you imagine what it will be capable of in 5 or 10 years?

Meanwhile, Charles Cornell asks ChatGPT to write jazz, and things go hilariously wrong:

ChatGPT is not ready for prime time as far as I'm concerned, and my attitude toward it is hardening into naked skepticism. Yes, it does do certain things surprisingly—even scarily—well, but it bumbles when it comes to simple tasks or questions like, "Who are you?" ChatGPT is a long way from passing the Turing Test, and there's no reason to assume it's going to take over the running of human civilization anytime soon.

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