Monday, January 16, 2023

first walk in a while tonight

I have to start slowly, but tonight will mark my first walk in about eight weeks. I'll keep it modest—just a one-hour jaunt somewhere local. Gotta test out my heel and see whether it's good to go. Staying off my feet has been a quietly frustrating experience; I normally enjoy winter walks because most of the fair-weather pussies don't appear; the paths are relatively quiet. My worry is that being sedentary and indoors for two months will have eroded my outdoorsy toughness when it comes to enduring varieties of weather. I'll be sure to give an update on how the walk went.

I'm also back on a strict dietary regime for the next little while, and I'll be staircase training again, starting off my doing only quarter-staircases, then half-staircases, then full staircases. I might try pushing back up to three staircases; we'll see. By then, it'll be spring. Hot weather makes the staircase training harder.

More later.

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