Monday, March 05, 2007

Ave, Maven!

Foodblogging at its finest! The Maven's blog is always a feast for the senses. As I was scanning her site yesterday, I couldn't help noticing the following cluster of images:

The meat pic is part of a post about some shopping the Maven did in preparation for the meals she was planning to cook. Luckily, she blogged the meal prep long with the shopping.

1. Shopping post + tempting lamb balls

2. Coq au vin (masturbation optional, as the Maven notes)

She's also got a mouth-watering post on Thai food here. I have yet to see what the Korean idea of Thai food is, but one of these days I plan to hit a local Thai resto and see what's up.

The Maven's foodblog also features a cruel-but-funny post mocking the looks of Rachel Ray, who always struck me as the consummate Everywoman cook on the Food Network. By the way-- for Joker smiles, I think Cameron Diaz takes the cake.

I won't be doing it anytime soon, but eventually I'm going to have to try that coq au vin recipe. The Maven makes it look fun and easy. Thanks for the deicious blogging!



Maven said...

Please digitally explore that asshole by clicking your mouse button on it. Please, I emplore you. Somehow I doubt if you'll be disappointed.

I laugh about the juxtaposition of the sphinc vs whatever happens to be to the left of it on any given day. However, next to that meat-a-topia pic, that juxtaposition is akin to a dog's digestive tract: A straight line from mouth to pooper.

Maven said...

PS: Cooks like RayRay (now if I were really being cruel, I'd call her a ree-ree) or Giada, are purely there to attract guys. Period. Take one look at Giada. I doubt if she actually eats anything she cooks. Though not jealous of her, per se, I am envious of her metabolism. And as far as RayRay... for the amount of money involved in marketing her many endeavors, you'd think she'd come up with a few more adjectives than "DELISH!" or "YUM-OH!"