Sunday, March 04, 2007

laughter and poom-sae

I had never seen a martial form that involved actual laughter as part of the routine... until I stumbled upon this Hung Gar video. Malcolm-- what's going on here? Please guide me through this. The guy's doing a heck of a lot with breath control to generate force, but beyond that, I'm not sure I get it.

A less jocular but very impressive knife-versus-spear Hung Gar demonstration can be found here.

[Trivia: for those who don't know, Malcolm of Waka Waka Waka is an accomplished Hung Gar practitioner and teacher.]

BONUS: A corny but cute hapkido demo video. As I was watching the vid, I noticed that the defensive techniques seemed to be applied primarily to the attacker's right arm. Make of that what you will.


1 comment:

taemin said...

not that I know anything, but that Hapkido thing reminds me of chin-na (qinna).

Here's a baby-steps version: