Friday, August 03, 2018

leaving in less than a week (in theory)

I'm flying out to the States next week—in theory, at least. I'm going standby, space available, which puts me at the bottom of the priority list when it comes to empty seats and the chance of boarding. Getting bumped here in Seoul won't be a big problem, given that I live here and can return to my place every night if I miss a flight. Getting bumped in the States, however, might be a problem: I foresee a few nights in hotels. I hope there won't be too many hangups, but we'll see.


  1. Good luck with that, I can't imagine trying to travel that way. Back in my working life, civilians could travel Space A on military aircraft from Osan. We were at the bottom of the pecking order and I heard tales of folks being stuck at Elmendorf AFB in Alaska for days and days. Nope, not for me!

    I'm going back to the USA in October and I just want to get the trip over with. Dreading it already to be honest.

    Enjoy your adventure!

  2. My fantasy is that I'll miraculously end up in first class. Heh.

  3. Well, if you are stuck somewhere and need a laugh, I suggest "Mind Your Language." It's a politically incorrect, laugh out loud, 40-year-old, British comedy about a teacher teaching English to foreign adult students. You can't help but see yourself in several of the situations.

    The funny thing is I never heard of it until just this week when a Kiwi acquaintance was putting me down for my choice of professions and likened my job to this old TV show she remembered airing back when she was a child. It didn't air in most of the U.S. Instead, it was poorly remade a few years later as "What a Country!" with Yakov Smirnoff.

  4. Never tried to fly on standby myself. Good luck!

    (And if you want to get bumped up to business or first class, dressing nicely apparently increases your chances.)



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