Friday, March 01, 2019

dog vids

Forget catblogging: here's some dogblogging.

Empathetic Dog Reacts to Emotional Scene in The Lion King:

Howlception: how meta can you get as dogs watch other dogs howl?

The above video was mostly funny during the first two or three minutes before it became less meta and more repetitive. What impressed me, though, was how all the dogs, no matter the subspecies, seemed to howl the exact same notes, musically speaking. I don't have perfect pitch, and I haven't made enough of a study of music to say which notes those were, but the overall sameness was nevertheless striking.*

*Charles notes in the comments that the dogs are definitely not howling the same notes, but we see "a very similar progression." Upon rewatching, I'd say that's true enough.

Still striking, though.

1 comment:

Charles said...

They're definitely not the same notes in the second video, but I know what you mean--the calls all follow a very similar progression. I think it just goes to show that you can take a dog out of the pack, but you can never truly take the pack out of the dog.