Tuesday, September 24, 2019

final beef pies

I wouldn't blame you if you were sick of pies by now. I had some leftover meat-pie filling, so I made dough for more pie crusts and made two more pies, which I'll be taking to work Tuesday afternoon. I still have a little bit of dough, so I'm thinking I'll make my very first apple pie. Not the thing I should be eating so close to my big walk, but what the hell.


  1. Well, I must admit that I have been a bit on the busy part and haven't been closely following the pie saga. The upside of that is that I am not sick of pies yet, and those sure look tasty.

  2. Gracias. Be sure to go to this post and watch the video. I'll be making that pie once I'm back from my walk.

  3. English breakfast in a pie, you say? I'd eat that.

  4. Come on over at some point in November. I wouldn't ask you to show up in the morning, given how far away you live, but I'm never against doing breakfast-for-lunch. Or breakfast-for-dinner, for that matter.



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