Tuesday, September 17, 2019

YouTube embedding is down: I hope you feel relieved

YouTube seems to be having a snit here in Korea: I can't embed any videos on the blog because, when I hit the "embed" command (whether on my Windows machine at the office, my cell phone, or my MacBook Air at my apartment), the HTML code doesn't come up, i.e., there's nothing to embed. Videos still play just fine on YouTube itself, and from what I can see, already-embedded videos on my blog still play just fine, too. If you're in the States and experiencing the same problem, let me know. If you're in Korea and not experiencing the problem I'm experiencing, let me know that, too. Such data will help me understand the shape and extent of the problem. Thanks. Meantime, enjoy not seeing any of the usual political rants from Styx, Tim Pool, and Jon Miller.


  1. Hmm, YouTube is not letting me embed from the Philippines either. Damn it!

  2. Okay, now that is strange. I couldn't embed a The Cars video, but one from Eddie Money did embed.

    No idea what that's all about, but it seems it is not a blanket YouTube denial...



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